Pshavi residents believed in the existence of apudzis gveli (a home guardian snake) that was constantly around the house. The snake was often seen but never killed.
According to local legend, the snake would live on top of the house in which the family members lived and dined.
In spring, when the cuckoos start to sing, people would try to avoid hearing the cuckoo’s voice in the morning on an empty stomach, lest they grow weak in the summer. As such, in the morning, if a person saw the cuckoo on a tree, s/he would take a bite and say, ‘Cuckoo, I beat you”.
Mitslikona’s burial. There are fleecy centipade caterpillar called mitslikona in Pshav-Khevsureti. To see one is an ill omen. If anyone accidentally came across one’s she/he would need to bury it alive and wail the following: “Mitslikona, mitslikona, to the earth you’ve been committed. Till you arise and get over nine hills, let my family and parents’ house live and thrive; mitslikona passed away, ililme and shililme”.